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媒體:森林云南微信公眾號(hào)  作者:佚名
專(zhuān)業(yè)號(hào):富寧縣林業(yè)和草原局 2024/12/18 9:07:46

















Erigeron breviscapus ‘ZeshengNO.2’







選 育 人:

彭明俊、張傳光、楊 旭、張 薇、李 河、李 瑩、關(guān)德軍、周文忠、袁 貴、袁朗瑜


菊科,飛蓬屬多年生草本。品種莖直立,直播種植單株基部葉平均12片,成熟葉18 cm左右,葉寬3 cm左右,全緣,匙狀倒披針形,葉尖鈍尖,基部漸狹;耐密植。干品產(chǎn)量平均為440 kg/畝左右;干品總黃酮平均含量為8.12%,野黃芩苷平均含量為1.93%。




一年可以播種兩次,夏播適宜5~6月進(jìn)行,冬播適宜10~11月進(jìn)行。深翻地塊,有機(jī)肥200~800 kg或普鈣100~200 kg作基肥施入;平地整墑,墑面寬1.2~1.3 m,排水溝深0.3~0.4 m。播種量為9~12 kg/hm2。播前墑面除草透水,播后覆蓋遮陽(yáng)網(wǎng)和無(wú)紡布遮陽(yáng)保濕,4~10天出苗,待苗生長(zhǎng)至5~6葉可移除覆蓋物。苗期60~90天,期間及時(shí)除草追肥。播種后,植株生長(zhǎng)90~180天第一次采收,可連續(xù)多次采收,采收間隔期30~90天。追肥選擇復(fù)合肥、尿素、過(guò)磷酸鈣、硫酸鉀等配合使用,播種至第一次采收追肥4次,此后追肥次數(shù)為2~3次/茬。最佳采收時(shí)間為抽薹期至初花期,晴天采收后及時(shí)除雜干燥。


適宜在海拔1500 ~ 2000 m,年降雨量800 ~ 1500 mm的地區(qū)種植。


2. ‘林萱2號(hào)’萱草




Hemerocallis fulva ‘Linxuan NO.2’







選 育 人:

辛培堯、李 偉、王 齊、段仕學(xué)、李啟少、陳 偉、李建運(yùn)、

金 李、王 飛、李子涵


阿福花科萱草屬植物。葉片中綠色,斜伸,長(zhǎng)58~60 cm,寬1.6~1.7 cm。花瓣紅色,帶有紅色花環(huán),喉部綠色,單瓣型,花呈星形,花瓣橢圓形,向外翻卷,邊緣具褶皺,脈紋明顯,顏色稍深,花肋黃色?;◤?0~11 cm,花瓣寬3.5~4.1 cm,花萼寬2.0~2.5 cm?;ㄜ鸶?0~62 cm,單花莛平均分枝數(shù)5~6,單花莛花量50~53朵?;ㄆ跒橹谢?。




萱草是喜光植物,開(kāi)花需要光照6小時(shí)以上的太陽(yáng)直射。耐旱,但要多開(kāi)花、開(kāi)花鮮艷、生長(zhǎng)旺盛,則需要充足的水分供應(yīng)。忌長(zhǎng)期積水,種苗生產(chǎn)或園林應(yīng)用時(shí)應(yīng)選擇排水良好地塊。地栽時(shí)株行距保持在30 cm×40 cm。喜肥,除種植時(shí)施足基肥(以腐熟的牛糞或豬糞為宜)外,花前施氮磷鉀復(fù)合肥一次,也可噴施0.2%的磷酸二氫鉀,促使花朵肥大并可達(dá)到延長(zhǎng)花期的效果,花期過(guò)后萱草長(zhǎng)勢(shì)差,需及時(shí)清理干枯的花莛和葉片。種苗生產(chǎn)或園林應(yīng)用時(shí),每2~3年將大叢老株分成每叢1~2芽栽植,9月份再次施用氮磷鉀復(fù)合肥,促進(jìn)分蘗,秋季或早春種植最為適宜。



適宜在海拔100~2300 m、年降雨量≥800 mm的溫帶、亞熱帶地區(qū)種植。





Hemerocallis fulva ‘Jixuan NO.2’






云南吉成園林科技股份有限公司、西南林業(yè)大學(xué)、 云南林業(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院  

選 育 人:

李 偉、辛培堯、王 齊、段仕學(xué)、金 李、朱海燕、陳 偉、柴永飛、李云偉、李啟少


阿?;戚娌輰僦参?。葉片中綠色,斜伸,長(zhǎng)約80~87 cm,寬約2.0~3.5 cm。花檸檬黃色,喉部綠色,單瓣型,花呈星形,花瓣橢圓形,向外翻卷,邊緣具褶皺,花肋白色。花徑約14~17 cm,花瓣寬約6~7 cm,花萼寬約3~4.5 cm?;ㄜ鸶呒s80~87 cm,單花莛平均分枝數(shù)5~7,單花莛花量40~45朵?;ㄆ跒橹谢?。




萱草是喜光植物,開(kāi)花需要光照6小時(shí)以上的太陽(yáng)直射。耐旱,但要多開(kāi)花、開(kāi)花鮮艷、生長(zhǎng)旺盛,則需要充足的水分供應(yīng)。忌長(zhǎng)期積水,種苗生產(chǎn)或園林應(yīng)用時(shí)應(yīng)選擇排水良好地塊。地栽時(shí)株行距保持在30 cm×40 cm。喜肥,除種植時(shí)施足基肥(以腐熟的牛糞或豬糞為宜)外,花前施氮磷鉀復(fù)合肥一次,也可噴施0.2%的磷酸二氫鉀,促使花朵肥大并可達(dá)到延長(zhǎng)花期的效果,花期過(guò)后萱草長(zhǎng)勢(shì)差,需及時(shí)清理干枯的花莛和葉片。種苗生產(chǎn)或園林應(yīng)用時(shí),每2~3年將大叢老株分成每叢1~2芽栽植,9月份再次施用氮磷鉀復(fù)合肥,促進(jìn)分蘗,秋季或早春種植最為適宜。



適宜在海拔100~2300 m、年降雨量≥800 mm的溫帶、亞熱帶地區(qū)種植。





Pennisetum purpureum ‘Yunmu NO.2’






云南省草地動(dòng)物科學(xué)研究院、云南省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院熱 帶亞熱帶經(jīng)濟(jì)作物研究所、曲靖市林業(yè)和草原局、 云南農(nóng)業(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院

選 育 人:

鐘 聲、李世平、劉彥培、歐陽(yáng)青、嚴(yán) 煒、張子奇、楊子姍、吳文榮、施丹丹、袁福錦


禾本科狼尾草屬多年生草本植物。四倍體(2n=28),多年生、叢生性高大禾草,全株被毛稀少。稈較纖細(xì),直徑0.5~1.5 cm,表面有明顯的白粉,開(kāi)花時(shí)稈高2.5~3 m。分蘗性強(qiáng),株叢致密。苗期生長(zhǎng)旺盛,再生性好,耐多次刈割,刈后再生性好。耐寒性好,在滇東北2200 m、滇西2500 m海拔能正常越冬,長(zhǎng)勢(shì)好,飼草產(chǎn)量?jī)?yōu)于‘熱研4號(hào)’和‘德宏’等云南主栽國(guó)審狼尾草品種。




5月下旬至6月上旬,選擇土層深厚、土壤肥沃、排灌方便的土壤種植。深松表土20 cm以上,晾曬數(shù)日后耙碎表土并平整地表。選擇生長(zhǎng)4月以上粗壯莖稈作為種莖,取種莖中下部2/3 段砍成含兩個(gè)活性芽的小段,按株行距60 cm×80 cm斜插于苗床上,斜插深度以上部稈節(jié)剛接觸土表為宜。苗期適時(shí)中耕除雜,間苗補(bǔ)苗,刈后根據(jù)長(zhǎng)勢(shì)適度追肥。種植當(dāng)年,生長(zhǎng)季節(jié)結(jié)束時(shí)刈割一次;次年7月和10月中旬各刈割一次。


適宜在滇東北、滇西北、滇中和滇東南海拔1800~2200 m的冷涼山區(qū)種植,滇西、滇南和滇西南種植上限海拔可至2500 m。

5. ‘林藝1號(hào)’蓮花




Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.1’







選 育 人:



蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本。大株型品種,立葉高63~75cm,葉徑(38 ~ 42)cm×(30 ~ 33)cm,花高98 ~ 115 cm;花期早,群體花期較長(zhǎng),約6月上旬始花至7月底。著花密,開(kāi)花18~23朵/m2 ;成熟葉綠色、表面光滑,花蕾卵形,黃綠色、瓣尖紅色;花顯著高于立葉,花態(tài)碗狀,花瓣數(shù)約122,重瓣型,花徑20~24 cm,最大瓣12 cm×8.5 cm,最小瓣6.5 cm×2.5 cm;花色復(fù)色:外瓣瓣尖紫紅色(Red-Purple Group 64B),中部淺綠色(Green-White Group 157B),基部黃色(Yellow Group 4B);內(nèi)瓣瓣尖紫紅色(RedPurple Group 63C),中部淺綠色(Green-White Group 157C),基部黃色(Yellow Group 4A)。雄蕊數(shù)約162,有瓣化,雄蕊附屬物乳白色,大小約5 mm。雌蕊正常,心皮13 ~ 19 枚。青熟花托側(cè)面綠色(Green Group 139D),成熟花托扁圓形、頂面凸。部分結(jié)實(shí),種子大小15.5 mm×11 mm。




宜于靜水栽植,土壤酸堿度pH6.5 ~ 7.5,光照充足。日均氣溫15℃以上,最低溫度在12℃以上時(shí)定植。選擇健壯具有1個(gè)以上頂芽,2 ~ 3個(gè)節(jié)間,且沒(méi)有病蟲(chóng)害,藕芽完好的種藕。栽植時(shí)種藕呈20°斜栽入泥,尾部半截翹起,即“頭低尾高”,以防藕尾進(jìn)水。定植時(shí)保持基本無(wú)水,約一周后澆水保持5 ~ 10 cm水層,立葉長(zhǎng)出后水位依其生長(zhǎng)逐步提升至30 ~ 40 cm。適宜的盆栽間距(列距×行距)為25 cm×40 cm;池栽選擇具有隔離和保水功能的水泥池或土池,填土深度不低于30 cm,株行距為1.0 m×1.5 m。整個(gè)生長(zhǎng)期一般需追肥2 ~ 3次,分別在立葉期和現(xiàn)蕾期。追肥原則為“少量多次、寧淡勿濃”、“輕施苗肥、重施蕾花肥、看苗追施后勁肥”。種藕在泥水中可短暫忍耐0℃左右的天氣。


適宜在海拔2000 m以下,年降雨量≥500 mm的地區(qū)種植。

6. ‘林藝2號(hào)’蓮花




Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.2’







選 育 人:



蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本。大株型品種,立葉高90 ~ 108 cm,葉徑(40 ~ 48)cm×(46 ~ 55)cm,成熟葉綠色、表面光滑,花高138 ~ 158 cm;花期早,群體花期長(zhǎng),6月中始花至8月下旬。著花密,開(kāi)花16 ~ 22朵/m2 ;花蕾卵形,頂端紅色、基部黃綠色;花顯著高于立葉,花態(tài)碟狀,重瓣-重臺(tái)型,花瓣數(shù)約105,花徑24 ~ 27 cm,最大瓣 15.5 cm×10 cm,最小瓣7 cm×2 cm;花色復(fù)色:外瓣瓣尖紫紅色(Red-Purple 58A),上部粉紅色(Red-Purple 63D),基部淡黃色(Yellow 4D);內(nèi)瓣上部深粉紅色(Red-Purple 63C),基部黃色(Yellow 4C);雄蕊數(shù)約253,有瓣化,雄蕊附屬物淡黃色,大小5 mm。 雌蕊部分正常、部分泡狀或瓣化,心皮17 ~ 25枚;花托側(cè)面黃綠色(Yellow-Green 144C),成熟花托傘形、頂面凸,種子紡錘形,大小:(11.5 ~ 13.5)mm×(20 ~ 22)mm。地下莖結(jié)藕,長(zhǎng)圓筒形。




宜于靜水栽植,土壤酸堿度pH6.5 ~ 7.5,光照充足。日均氣溫15℃以上,最低溫度在12℃以上時(shí)定植。選擇健壯具有1個(gè)以上頂芽,2 ~ 3個(gè)節(jié)間,且沒(méi)有病蟲(chóng)害,藕芽完好的種藕。栽植時(shí)種藕呈20°斜栽入泥,尾部半截翹起,即“頭低尾高”,以防藕尾進(jìn)水。定植時(shí)保持基本無(wú)水,約一周后澆水保持5 ~ 10 cm水層,立葉長(zhǎng)出后水位依其生長(zhǎng)逐步提升至30 ~ 40 cm。適宜的盆栽間距(列距×行距)為25 cm×40 cm;池栽選擇具有隔離和保水功能的水泥池或土池,填土深度不低于30 cm,株行距為1.0 m×1.5 m。整個(gè)生長(zhǎng)期一般需追肥2 ~ 3次,分別在立葉期和現(xiàn)蕾期。追肥原則為“少量多次、寧淡勿濃”、“輕施苗肥、重施蕾花肥、看苗追施后勁肥”。種藕在泥水中可短暫忍耐0℃左右的天氣。


適宜在海拔2000 m以下,年降雨量≥500 mm的地區(qū)種植。

7. ‘林藝3號(hào)’蓮花




Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.3’







選 育 人:



蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本。大株型品種,立葉高70 ~ 102cm,葉徑(35 ~ 43)cm×(39 ~ 48)cm,成熟葉深綠色、表面光滑,花高105 ~ 160 cm;花期早,群體花期長(zhǎng),6月中始花至8月下旬。著花密,開(kāi)花19~28朵/m2 ;花蕾卵形,上部紅色、基部黃綠色;花顯著高于立葉,花態(tài)隨開(kāi)放:酒杯狀-飛舞狀/扁平碟狀,少瓣型,花瓣數(shù)約18,花徑28~32 cm,最大瓣18.7 cm×8.2 cm,最小瓣10.6 cm×4 cm;花色復(fù)色、隨開(kāi)放變色,第一天:瓣尖紫紅色(RedPurple 63A),中部橙色(Orange 27D,紅色脈明顯),基部黃色(Yellow 4B);第二天:瓣尖紫紅色(Red-Purple 63A),中部黃色(Yellow 11D,紅色脈明顯),基部淡黃色(Yellow 3D);第三天:瓣尖紫紅色(Red-Purple 63A),中部白色(White 155A),基部淡黃色(Yellow 4C);雄蕊數(shù)約206,無(wú)瓣化,雄蕊附屬物淡黃色,大小7.6 mm。 雌蕊正常,心皮13 ~ 19枚;花托側(cè)面黃綠色(Yellow-Green 144B),成熟花托扁圓形、頂面平,部分結(jié)實(shí)。種子大?。?5.9 mm×12.4 mm;可盆栽或池栽,青熟蓮蓬可作切果。




宜于靜水栽植,土壤酸堿度pH6.5 ~ 7.5,光照充足。日均氣溫15℃以上,最低溫度在12℃以上時(shí)定植。選擇健壯具有1個(gè)以上頂芽,2 ~ 3個(gè)節(jié)間,且沒(méi)有病蟲(chóng)害,藕芽完好的種藕。栽植時(shí)種藕呈20°斜栽入泥,尾部半截翹起,即“頭低尾高”,以防藕尾進(jìn)水。定植時(shí)保持基本無(wú)水,約一周后澆水保持5 ~ 10 cm水層,立葉長(zhǎng)出后水位依其生長(zhǎng)逐步提升至30 ~ 40 cm。適宜的盆栽間距(列距×行距)為25 cm×40 cm;池栽選擇具有隔離和保水功能的水泥池或土池,填土深度不低于30 cm,株行距為1.0 m×1.5 m。整個(gè)生長(zhǎng)期一般需追肥2 ~ 3次,分別在立葉期和現(xiàn)蕾期。追肥原則為“少量多次、寧淡勿濃”、“輕施苗肥、重施蕾花肥、看苗追施后勁肥”。種藕在泥水中可短暫忍耐0℃左右的天氣。


適宜在海拔2000 m以下,年降雨量≥500 mm的地區(qū)種植。

8. ‘林藝4號(hào)’蓮花




Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.4’







選 育 人:



蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本。大株型品種,立葉高75 ~ 92 cm,葉徑(42 ~ 46)cm×(46 ~ 51)cm,花高85 ~ 115 cm;花期早,群體花期長(zhǎng),6月中旬始花至8月上旬。著花較密,開(kāi)花12~19朵/m2 ;成熟葉綠色且葉尖紅色、表面光滑,花蕾闊卵形,深紫紅色;花顯著高于立葉,花態(tài)碗狀,花瓣數(shù)約137,重瓣型,花徑20~22 cm,最大瓣12.6 cm×7.7 cm, 最小瓣5.9 cm×1.4 cm;花色:深紫紅色(Red-Purple Group 59D),中下部紫紅色(RedPurple Group 61B),基部淡黃色(Yellow Group 11D);雄蕊數(shù)約264,有瓣化,雄蕊附屬物紫紅色、大小約5 mm,花藥橙黃色中間紅色,花絲淡黃色。雌蕊正常,心皮16~21 枚。青熟花托側(cè)面黃綠色(Yellow-Green Group 145B),成熟花托扁圓形、頂面凸。能結(jié)實(shí),種子大小約14.5 mm×10.5 mm。地下莖結(jié)藕,長(zhǎng)圓筒形。




宜于靜水栽植,土壤酸堿度pH6.5 ~ 7.5,光照充足。日均氣溫15℃以上,最低溫度在12℃以上時(shí)定植。選擇健壯具有1個(gè)以上頂芽,2 ~ 3個(gè)節(jié)間,且沒(méi)有病蟲(chóng)害,藕芽完好的種藕。栽植時(shí)種藕呈20°斜栽入泥,尾部半截翹起,即“頭低尾高”,以防藕尾進(jìn)水。定植時(shí)保持基本無(wú)水,約一周后澆水保持5 ~ 10 cm水層,立葉長(zhǎng)出后水位依其生長(zhǎng)逐步提升至30 ~ 40 cm。適宜的盆栽間距(列距×行距)為25 cm×40 cm;池栽選擇具有隔離和保水功能的水泥池或土池,填土深度不低于30 cm,株行距為1.0 m×1.5 m。整個(gè)生長(zhǎng)期一般需追肥2 ~ 3次,分別在立葉期和現(xiàn)蕾期。追肥原則為“少量多次、寧淡勿濃”、“輕施苗肥、重施蕾花肥、看苗追施后勁肥”。種藕在泥水中可短暫忍耐0℃左右的天氣。


適宜在海拔2000 m以下,年降雨量≥500 mm的地區(qū)種植。

9. ‘林藝5號(hào)’蓮花




Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.5’







選 育 人:



蓮科蓮屬多年生水生草本。中株型,池栽條件下株高 89 ~ 123 cm,立葉32 ~ 47片/m2,幼葉綠色泛紅,成熟葉綠色,淺凹形,葉徑(26 ~ 49)cm×(21 ~ 37)cm,表面光滑,背刺多,葉鼻間距狹窄。花蕾綠色、卵圓錐形。花重瓣,蝶狀,花朵高度113 ~ 135 cm,顯著高于葉面,花徑18 ~ 25 cm,著花密度16 ~ 21朵/m2,豐花,花被片134 ~ 185片,外被呈卵圓形,花白色,上部紅紫色,中部白色,基部黃色。雄蕊多瓣化,花絲淡黃色,花藥黃色,附屬物白色。雌蕊正常,數(shù)量12 ~ 38。成熟花托綠色,扁球型,頂面近平行花托表面,邊緣不規(guī)則波狀。自然結(jié)實(shí)正常,成熟蓮子卵形,黑色,灰暗。地下莖一般膨大成長(zhǎng)筒狀。群體花期一般,6月上旬至9月上旬,90天左右。




宜于靜水栽植,土壤酸堿度pH6.5 ~ 7.5,光照充足。日均氣溫15℃以上,最低溫度在12℃以上時(shí)定植。選擇健壯具有1個(gè)以上頂芽,2 ~ 3個(gè)節(jié)間,且沒(méi)有病蟲(chóng)害,藕芽完好的種藕。栽植時(shí)種藕呈20°斜栽入泥,尾部半截翹起,即“頭低尾高”,以防藕尾進(jìn)水。定植時(shí)保持基本無(wú)水,約一周后澆水保持5 ~ 10 cm水層,立葉長(zhǎng)出后水位依其生長(zhǎng)逐步提升至30 ~ 40 cm。適宜的盆栽間距(列距×行距)為25 cm×40 cm;池栽選擇具有隔離和保水功能的水泥池或土池,填土深度不低于30 cm,株行距為1.0 m×1.5 m。整個(gè)生長(zhǎng)期一般需追肥2 ~ 3次,分別在立葉期和現(xiàn)蕾期。追肥原則為“少量多次、寧淡勿濃”、“輕施苗肥、重施蕾花肥、看苗追施后勁肥”。種藕在泥水中可短暫忍耐0℃左右的天氣。


適宜在海拔2000 m以下,年降雨量≥500 mm的地區(qū)種植。





Canna edulis ‘Diandongnan’







選 育 人:

鐘正陽(yáng)、黃興粉、朱德顏、楊羚鈺、胡 耀、嚴(yán)繼猛、王 獻(xiàn)、盤(pán)道興、李 凡、張曉希


美人蕉科美人蕉屬多年生叢生草本植物。莖直立粗壯,株高248 cm,呈扁圓形淡紫色,莖徑28~42 mm。分蘗10~12個(gè),葉2列互生,長(zhǎng)卵形,葉長(zhǎng)59 cm,葉寬28 cm,基部下延包裹莖,葉尖較鈍,葉脈淡紫,葉鞘淡紅,主脈向葉背突起,葉緣邊色帶淡紫色。根著生于塊莖上,白色、纖細(xì)、呈園筒形。根狀莖膨大呈紡錘形,排列不規(guī)則,周?chē)种π纬勺佑?,白色,莖尖鱗片紫紅色,表皮光滑。穗狀花序頂生,紅色,分叉少花疏,被臘脂粉霜,基部有1~2個(gè)管狀抱莖闊鞘,孿生花,花萼淺紅色,蒴果淡紫色,有蒴果無(wú)種子。




蕉芋是喜溫作物,春季氣溫回升,土壤溫度穩(wěn)定在10 ℃以上即可播種,最佳播種時(shí)期為3至5月種植規(guī)格:平地株行距以1m×0.6 m為宜,坡地株行距0.8 m×0.6 m,播種方式穴播或溝播。每畝塊莖播種量在250 kg,施農(nóng)家肥或有機(jī)肥作底肥750 kg/hm2。播種時(shí)幼芽朝上,播種深度20 cm 左右,蓋土的深度以種莖不外露為宜。當(dāng)土溫達(dá) 16 ℃以上開(kāi)始萌芽,播種后土壤潮濕20 ~ 30天萌芽。出苗后根據(jù)苗情除草施肥,在蕉芋根部每畝追肥60 kg/hm2尿素,在開(kāi)花前第二次中耕培土施肥,在根部?jī)蓚?cè)施磷鉀肥450 kg/hm2,以利于養(yǎng)分充分吸收和植株均衡生長(zhǎng),促進(jìn)地下根莖快速膨大。蕉芋幾乎無(wú)病害,偶爾會(huì)發(fā)生蟲(chóng)害,危害葉片,用一般的殺蟲(chóng)劑兌水噴霧防治即可。


適宜在海拔500 ~ 1800 m,年降雨量960 ~ 1300 mm的滇東南亞熱帶地區(qū)種植。

11. ‘滇東南’千穗谷




Amaranthus hypochondriacus ‘Diandongnan’







選 育 人:

鐘正陽(yáng)、黃興粉、朱德顏、李 凡、盤(pán)道興、楊羚鈺、王 獻(xiàn)、胡 耀、嚴(yán)繼猛、羅 文


莧科莧屬一年生草本植物,株高240~280 cm,莖直立,主根粗大,側(cè)根多,主莖粗壯,分枝多,葉片互生且寬大茂盛,傘狀花序。莖呈淺綠色、主莖上條紋非常明顯,呈黃綠色。葉片卵圓形,葉片正面、背面綠色,嫩梢淡紫色、葉脈明顯,葉柄無(wú)花青苷顯色?;ㄐ虺首仙?、直立。種子細(xì)小,白色,千粒重0.66 g。




春、夏、秋季都可以播種,播種前施750 kg/hm2有機(jī)肥或腐熟的農(nóng)家肥作為底肥,最佳播期4~7月,直播或育苗移栽。播種前需翻耕,深耕20 cm,因種子細(xì)小,播種時(shí)可按1:3的比例摻入沙土或者腐熟的有機(jī)肥播種。點(diǎn)播、條播,播種深度2~3 cm,覆土深度1~2 cm,每畝用種量300 g, 株行距0.2 m×0.3 m,撒播每畝用種量500 g。育苗移栽,出苗后20天即可移栽,移栽后及時(shí)澆透水。管理:苗高15 cm左右進(jìn)行間苗,補(bǔ)苗,除草,追肥,追施尿素375 kg/hm2,株高在1 m進(jìn)行刈割,留茬高0.4 m,每次刈割后及時(shí)施尿素375 kg/hm2。病蟲(chóng)害較少,常見(jiàn)的蟲(chóng)害有菜青蟲(chóng)、蚜蟲(chóng)、地老虎等,用5%高效氟氯氰菊酯噴霧防治菜青蟲(chóng)和蚜蟲(chóng),用90 %敵百蟲(chóng)或50 %辛硫磷乳油扮成毒土防治地老虎等地下害蟲(chóng)。


適宜在海拔500 ~1800 m,年降雨量960 ~1300 mm的滇東南亞熱帶地區(qū)種植。

12. ‘滇西’箭筈豌豆




Vicia sativa ‘Dianxi’






云南省草地動(dòng)物科學(xué)研究院,洱源縣畜牧工 作站,文山壯族苗族自治州農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院,洱源縣草山飼料工作站,曲 靖市飼草飼料工作站

選 育 人:

李世平、施丹丹、吳文榮、張曉娟、黃興粉、劉彥培、袁福錦、李 成、汪芳軍、王 馨


豆科野豌豆屬一年生草本。莖細(xì)軟,斜升或攀緣,有條棱,多分枝。羽狀復(fù)葉,花冠蝶形,種子球形,黑褐色,千粒重64.5 g。葉相對(duì)偏長(zhǎng),尤其是苗期不完全葉(2 ~ 4 小葉)的小葉細(xì)長(zhǎng),呈線(xiàn)形至披針狀矩圓形,喜溫暖和排水良好的壤土和砂質(zhì)壤土,耐酸能力強(qiáng),也耐短期水淹。耐旱性強(qiáng),干季不需灌溉即可順利完成全生育期。耐瘠薄能力強(qiáng),耐寒性強(qiáng),營(yíng)養(yǎng)期能耐-6℃的冷凍。




前茬大春作物收割后,及時(shí)深翻土壤,翻耕深度20 cm以上,施農(nóng)家肥30~45 t/hm2作基肥,然后輕耙表土 1~2 次。9月下旬至10月下旬播種,春播則在雨季來(lái)臨后進(jìn)行。單播時(shí)容易倒伏,可與燕麥、大麥等混播,混播時(shí),種子按‘洱源’箭筈豌豆與禾草種子2:1或3:1的比例混合,單播用種量60~70 kg/hm2,混播總用種量75~90 kg/hm2。行距 20~30 cm左右條播,播種深度一般為3~4 cm,播后覆土。及時(shí)中耕除雜。用于調(diào)制干草,最好在盛花至結(jié)莢期刈割;草種兼收,在種子成熟期刈割;利用再生草,盛花期刈割時(shí),留茬不得低于4 cm。作綠肥利用時(shí),一般在初花期翻壓或刈割。利用種子作飼料時(shí),必須進(jìn)行脫毒處理,脫毒方法較簡(jiǎn)單,一般只需炒熟或浸泡6~12小時(shí)即可。用于種子生產(chǎn)時(shí)注意種子裂莢性較強(qiáng),收種后的秸稈可作肉牛粗飼料。


適宜在海拔2500 m以下,水分條件相對(duì)較好的地區(qū)種植。

13. ‘小哨’彎葉畫(huà)眉草




Eragrostis curvula ‘Xiaoshao’ 







選 育 人:

袁福錦、廖聲熙、歐陽(yáng)青、吳文榮、李世平、尹 俊、張子奇、宋升治、徐 馳、侯潔瓊


禾本科畫(huà)眉草屬多年生草本植物。根系發(fā)達(dá),分蘗性強(qiáng),稈密叢生, 基生葉纖細(xì)、堅(jiān)韌、密集,形成致密株叢,固土保水能力強(qiáng)。在貧瘠及新墾土地上能良好生長(zhǎng)。耐踐踏。播種當(dāng)年生長(zhǎng)快,覆蓋能力強(qiáng)。北亞熱帶開(kāi)花結(jié)實(shí)性能好,種子產(chǎn)量375-525 kg/hm 2。無(wú)明顯病蟲(chóng)害發(fā)生。




依據(jù)土壤肥力狀況,撒施18000 ~ 27000kg/hm2農(nóng)家肥或氮磷鉀復(fù)合肥300 ~ 450 kg/hm2后翻耕土地,翻土深度以20~25cm。 耙碎土塊,平整地面,清除地面雜草、石塊等雜物。雨季開(kāi)始時(shí)播種,一般在5 ~ 6(7)月播種。撒播、條播或穴播均可。條播行距30 ~ 35cm;穴播穴心距25 ~ 30 cm。播種量12 ~ 18kg/hm2。播種后進(jìn)行覆土,覆土不宜過(guò)深,以不露種為宜,一般0.3 ~ 0.5 cm,播種后要適當(dāng)鎮(zhèn)壓。出苗注意雜草防控。苗期依據(jù)幼苗表觀(guān)缺肥程度,施120~ 180kg/hm2尿素進(jìn)行壯苗。


適宜在海拔800 ~ 2300 m,降雨量800 ~ 1100 mm,年均氣溫12.1 ~ 17.4℃的暖溫至亞熱帶氣候區(qū)種植。

14. ‘騰越’狼尾草




Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Tengyue’







選 育 人:

嚴(yán)海燕、王 齊、許洪盛、謝金敏、萬(wàn)浩楠、尹其堯、張緣宏、杜建龍、劉 源、張玉雯


禾本科狼尾草屬多年生草本植物。叢生,須根發(fā)達(dá);株高65 ~ 120 cm,在花穗下密生柔毛;莖稈直立,稈上部長(zhǎng)于節(jié)間。葉片線(xiàn)形,綠色,長(zhǎng)10 ~ 80 cm,寬3 ~ 8 mm,先端長(zhǎng)漸尖,基部生疣毛;葉鞘光滑,兩側(cè)壓扁,稈上部者長(zhǎng)于節(jié)間;葉舌具長(zhǎng)約2.5 mm纖毛;圓錐花序直立,長(zhǎng)5 ~ 18 cm,寬1.5 ~ 3.5 cm;主軸密生柔毛;剛毛粗糙,深紫色,長(zhǎng)1.5 ~ 3 cm;小穗通常單生,偶有雙生;穎果長(zhǎng)圓形,長(zhǎng)約3.5 mm,千粒重3.8 ~ 4.5 g。




采用條播或撒播,條播行距50 cm,用種量22.5 ~ 30 kg/hm2,5 ~ 6月播種。播種時(shí)土壤水分適宜,播后覆土深度1 ~ 2 cm,播種后6 ~ 10天可出苗。野生植株移栽密度為每畝4000 ~ 5000株,行距為45 cm,株距為20 ~ 25 cm。每畝使用農(nóng)家肥500 kg作底肥,每次刈割之后需追肥一次,每畝使用尿素5 kg。定期清除雜害草。


適宜在海拔1000 ~ 2400 m的熱帶、亞熱帶地區(qū)種植。

15. ‘獅山’金雀花




Caragana sinica ‘Shishan’







選 育 人:

孟 夢(mèng)、付玉嬪、周 云、李云琴、陳 偉、邱 瓊、劉恒鵬、周 曉、李國(guó)昌、張 梅


豆科錦雞兒屬灌木。喜光照,耐瘠薄,根蘗能力極強(qiáng),葉量大,葉片密生,花期長(zhǎng),花量大。栽植3~5年,橫走的根系可萌發(fā)出大量的植株,距離母本1.5 m范圍內(nèi)可萌生出10~20株根蘗植株,按50 cm的株距密植,能快速形成綠籬,固土護(hù)坡能力極強(qiáng)。株高可達(dá)2.5 m,冠幅1.5~2.0 m,羽狀復(fù)葉,葉片3~4片(偶5片)簇生,托葉硬化成的針刺變軟或脫落,葉軸硬化成的針刺變軟或脫落,小葉革質(zhì),耐修剪,多次修剪后可形成密生分枝;花單生或2~4朵簇生,花間距(或簇生葉間距)0.7~1.3 cm,20 cm小枝花量約15~43朵,單花0.23~0.28 g,單株花量可達(dá)300~400朵(約80 g);花期早,2月下旬或3月初始花,盛花期3月15日~3月30日,種植在高海拔地區(qū)的植株,則5~8月陸續(xù)有開(kāi)放;須根系發(fā)達(dá),主根系深達(dá)1 m,耐旱能力極強(qiáng)。




用埋根和扦插培育苗木。埋根:作床,床面寬1 m,間隔20 cm挖溝,溝深5 cm,挖取粗≥0.5 cm的根,制成10~15 cm長(zhǎng)的根段放入溝中,蓋土。扦插:選取粗≥0.4 cm枝條制成15~25 cm插條,用多菌靈溶液消毒1 h,再用1 g/LABT1號(hào)生根液速蘸扦插,基質(zhì)用河沙或生土,插后搭建塑料拱棚。苗木長(zhǎng)至50 cm以上時(shí)出圃。作綠籬和觀(guān)花,采用叢植或帶狀栽植,株距50 cm。冬季或花期過(guò)后將主干和側(cè)枝斷稍?;ㄇ捌谌~面噴施0.3%磷酸二氫鉀溶液,花后葉面噴施氮肥或距根約25 cm開(kāi)溝施腐熟有機(jī)肥復(fù)壯。


適宜在海拔1400~2200 m,溫帶及亞熱帶土壤深厚的山地至土壤貧瘠的公路沿線(xiàn)、石質(zhì)山地、喀斯特巖溶區(qū)栽植。

16. ‘碧溪’刺五加




Acanthopanax trifoliatus ‘Bixi’







選 育 人:

孟 夢(mèng)、付玉嬪、周 云、李云琴、尹 俊、邱 瓊、陳 偉、劉恒鵬、周 曉、奎連敏


五加科五加屬攀援狀灌木,喜光照,也具有一定耐蔭性;叢生,側(cè)枝萌發(fā)能力極強(qiáng),葉量大,葉片密生,新萌發(fā)嫩梢呈紫紅色。株高可達(dá)2.0 m,冠幅1.5~2.0 m。指狀復(fù)葉,有小葉3~5片,紙質(zhì),無(wú)毛或上面脈上疏生剛毛;枝上疏生扁平皮刺;傘形花序單生或多個(gè)組成復(fù)傘形或總狀花序;果扁球形,成熟時(shí)黑色,徑約5 mm?;ㄆ?~10月,果期10~12月。裸地至郁閉度0.6以下林地內(nèi)均可正常生長(zhǎng),適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)。




清除地表雜草、石塊等雜物,平整土地,精細(xì)耙耱。選擇生長(zhǎng)健壯,無(wú)病蟲(chóng)害,半年生以上半木質(zhì)化或木質(zhì)化的15~20 cm長(zhǎng)枝條作為插穗;插條先用50%可濕性粉劑的多菌靈800~1000倍液或0.2%高錳酸鉀溶液浸泡30 min,甩干后用ABT生根粉1.0 g/L的溶液速蘸扦插;扦插基質(zhì)用生土;插后搭建塑料拱棚保濕、保溫。生根成活后,撤掉塑料膜進(jìn)行壯苗培育和煉苗。扦插后3~4個(gè)月,苗木生根良好,地上部分長(zhǎng)至30 cm以上時(shí)出圃種植。采用叢植或帶狀栽植,3~4株為一叢栽植,穴規(guī)格:40 cm×40 cm×40 cm,帶狀栽植,株距50 cm,根據(jù)地形選擇栽植行數(shù)。定植時(shí)每穴施底肥1 kg有機(jī)肥,與土充分混勻后栽植苗木。種植半年后修剪,二次定干后高度控制在1.2 m;每年冬季肥有機(jī)肥1 kg/株;旱季勤澆水,雨季少澆水或不澆水。


適宜在海拔600~2200 m北亞熱帶至溫帶區(qū)域的園地、庭院、道路沿線(xiàn)、疏林地林下種植。

17. ‘九龍’蔗茅




Saccharum rufipilum ‘Jiulong’







選 育 人:



屬禾本科甘蔗屬多年生草本植物,叢生,種子產(chǎn)量高,生長(zhǎng)期長(zhǎng),可快速覆蓋裸露地面。其生物量大,株高可達(dá)2.23 m,覆蓋面積可達(dá)0.81 m2,經(jīng)2~3年生長(zhǎng)后單株的總生物量可達(dá)5.0-7.5 kg;繁殖能力強(qiáng),經(jīng)2~3年生長(zhǎng)單株植株的分蘗數(shù)可達(dá)122以上,種子數(shù)量達(dá)到6.74×10 3 /株;在林下生長(zhǎng)良好,抗寒、抗旱、耐瘠薄、抗繡病、宿根性強(qiáng)。




清除地表雜草、石塊等雜物,對(duì)修復(fù)地塊進(jìn)行翻耕、平整、耙耱。氣候濕潤(rùn)的地方可在3月至5月播種,干旱地在雨季來(lái)臨時(shí)播種,即5月底至6月中下旬播種。立地條件差的地塊采用穴播,立地條件好的地塊采用條播,穴播時(shí)播 種深度1 ~ 1.5cm 左右,行距50~60 cm 。條播則覆土宜淺,播種后輕耙地表。其播種量為 15~20 kg/hm2。苗期需進(jìn)行適時(shí)適量的灌溉和施肥,注意雜草的防除。植株幼苗生長(zhǎng)期可施用少量尿素、鈣鎂磷肥等速效肥。蔗茅是圓錐花序狹長(zhǎng)圓形或線(xiàn)形,在小穗頂部50%~ 70%的種子開(kāi)始脫落時(shí),剪下整個(gè)小穗的一半,下半部待種子成熟脫粒時(shí)再收割。晾曬剪下的小穗,翻曬、揉搓 2~3次,成熟種子從花序上脫落干凈。分離花序,收集種子,再晾曬一天,進(jìn)行楊灰,過(guò)篩清選,裝袋入庫(kù)。


適宜在海拔400~2500m、降雨量800 mm以上的熱帶、亞熱帶、溫帶地區(qū),溝谷、撂荒地、采礦采石廢棄地、建筑垃圾地、荒廢地、公路偏坡、林下有害植物入侵地等區(qū)域種植。

18. ‘祿勸’箭筈豌豆




Vicia sativa ‘Luquan’







選 育 人:

段新慧、姜 華、何承剛、周 凱、楊天麗、熊景發(fā)、韓 博、趙志麗、肖 雪、張建貴


豆科野豌豆屬一年生或越年生草本植物,高30 ~ 100 cm,根莖匍匐,莖柔細(xì)斜升或攀援,具棱,被柔毛,偶數(shù)羽狀復(fù)葉長(zhǎng)7 ~ 12 cm,葉軸頂端卷須發(fā)達(dá);托葉半戟形,有2 ~ 4裂齒;小葉5 ~ 7對(duì),長(zhǎng)卵圓形或長(zhǎng)圓披針形,先端鈍或平截,微凹,有短尖頭,基部圓形,兩面被柔毛,短總狀花序,花2 ~ 4朵腋生;花萼鐘狀,萼齒披針形或錐形,短于萼筒;花冠紅色或近紫色至淺粉紅色,稀白色;旗瓣近提琴形,先端凹, 翼瓣短于旗瓣,龍骨瓣內(nèi)彎,最短,莢果寬長(zhǎng)圓狀,近菱形,長(zhǎng)2.1 ~ 3.9 cm,寬0.5 ~ 0.7 cm,成熟時(shí)亮黑色,先端具喙,微彎。種子5 ~ 7粒,扁圓球形,表皮棕色有斑。該品種完成生育期需150天左右??墒秤谩曈?、綠肥還田、入藥,生育周期短,適應(yīng)性較強(qiáng),生產(chǎn)性能穩(wěn)定,蛋白質(zhì)含量高和適口性好,適于放牧、青飼、調(diào)制青干草,牛、馬、羊等牲畜均喜食,是一種優(yōu)質(zhì)的飼草資源和綠肥作物。




播前精耕細(xì)耙,破碎土塊,使土壤上虛下實(shí),清除雜草,并注意地塊排水。秋播最佳;撒播或條播,條播行距30 cm,播種深度3 ~ 4 cm。播種量為50 kg/hm2,播種時(shí)施12:11:18的氮磷鉀復(fù)合肥,施肥量為625 kg/hm2。苗期植株矮小,地上部分生長(zhǎng)緩慢,出苗后易受雜草侵害,須及時(shí)人工鋤雜草, 并進(jìn)行灌溉和施肥,可保證穩(wěn)產(chǎn)、高產(chǎn)。 在初花期割草利用,夏季雨水較多時(shí)高度40 ~ 50 cm可刈割,冬季較干旱時(shí)高度50 cm左右可刈割,割草留茬5 cm。


適宜在海拔1000 ~ 2500 m,溫度5 ~ 30℃的溫暖地區(qū)種植。

List of Grass Varieties in Yunnan Province,2024

Zesheng NO.2

Species: Erigeron breviscapus

Scientific name: Erigeron breviscapus ‘Zesheng NO.2’

Variety category: Bred variety

Registration NO.: Yun S-BV-EB-001-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Honghe University, Yunnan Zesheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Breeders: Peng Mingjun, Zhang ChuanGuang, Yang Xu, Zhang Wei, Li He, Li Ying, Guan Dejun, Zhou Wenzhong, Yuan Gui, Yuan Langyu


‘Zesheng NO.2’ is an annual herb of Compositae. The stem is erect. On average, there are 12 leaves in the base of the stem, with a length of about 18cm and a width of about 3cm. The leaves are with margins, and spiculiform in shape. The tip of the leave is sharp but the base is narrow. It is suitable for close planting. The average dry product yield is about 440kg/mu. The average content of flavonoids is 8.12% and that of scutellarin is 1.93%.

Main use:

Medicinal grass, with the effects of promoting blood circulation,  relieving pain, and facilitating flu recovery.

Cultural techniques:

Sowing can be done twice a year, suitable from May to June in summer, and from October to November in winter. The land is plowed with organic fertilizer of 200~800kg or calcium of 100~200kg. The fine plowing is recommended with a width of 1.2~1.3m, and the ditch is 0.3~0.4m in depth. The sowing rate is 9~12 kg/hm2. Before sowing, weeds should be removed and the soil should be thoroughly watered. After sowing, shading net and non-woven fabric are used to provide shade and keep moisture. Emergence will happen after 4~10 days, and when the seedlings grow with 5~6 leaves, these covers can be removed. The seedling stage can last for 60~90 days, during which timely weeding and fertilizer are required. After sowing, the plant can be harvested after 90~180 days’ growth, and then multi-timed harvests can be carried out, with a harvest interval of 30~90 days. Compound fertilizer, urea, calcium superphosphate, and potassium sulfate are used as fertilizers. From sowing to the first harvest, fertilization should be carried out 4 times and then 2~3 times per harvest. The best harvest time is from the bolting stage to the early flowering stage. After harvest, it is important to weed and dry the seeds.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in regions with an altitude of 1500 ~ 2000m and an annual rainfall of 800 ~ 1500mm.

Linxuan NO.2

Species: Hemerocallis fulva

Scientific name:Hemerocallis fulva ‘Linxuan NO.2’

Variety category:Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-HF-002-2024

Applicant: Southwest Forestry University, Yunnan Jicheng Landscape Technology Co., Ltd, Yunnan Forestry Technological College

Breeders:Xin Peiyao, Li Wei, Wang Qi, Duan Shixue, Li Qishao, Chen Wei, Li Jianyun, Jin Li, Wang Fei, Li Zihan


‘LinxuanNO.2 belongs to the genus Hemerocallis, family Asphodelaceae. The leaves are green and obliquely spreading with a length of 58~60cm and a width of 1.6~1.7cm. The petals are red, with a red corona and green throat. The flower is single-petaled and star-shaped. The petals are elliptical and reflexed with ruffled edges. It has prominent veins, a slightly deep color, and yellow ribs. The flower diameter is 10~11cm, with a petal width of 3.5~4.1cm, a the calyx width of 2.0~2.5 cm, and a stamina height of 60~62 cm. The average branch number of an individual flower is 5~6 with flowers 50~53 in the medium size.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

Hemerocallis fulva, preferring sunlight, requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to bloom. It is drought-tolerant, but to bloom with bright colors and vigorous growth, adequate water supply is needed, but over-watering should be avoided. Therefore, seedling production centers or gardens should be built on well-drained lands. When planted, a spacing of 30cm × 40cm is suitable. Its growth requires fertilizers. In addition to applying sufficient fertilizers (preferably decomposed cow or pig manure) at the planting time, before flowering, the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compound fertilizer as well as a 0.2% monopotassium phosphate spray can be applied to promote flowering and prolong the flowering time. After flowering, it will grow badly, so it is necessary to clean up the dried flowers and leaves in time. In seedling production or landscape creation, the big tufts of old plants are divided into 1~2 buds per tuft every 2~3 years. It is significant to apply the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer again in September to promote tillering. It is most suitable to plant it in autumn or early spring.

Leaf blight and rust are two diseases that are very likely to inflict on Hemerocallis fulva. In the early stage of leaf blight, 50% mancozeb (1g/500ml~1g/800ml of water) can be applied to effectively prevent and control leaf blight; in the early stage of rust, 15% triadimefon powder ( 1g/1000ml ~1g/1200ml of water) can be used for one spray for every 10~5 days with 2~3 times, which can effectively control the disease.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in temperate and subtropical regions with an altitude of 100~2300 m and an annual rainfall of above 800mm.

Jixuan NO.2

Species:Hemerocallis fulva

Scientific name:Hemerocallis fulva ‘Jixuan NO.2’

Variety category:Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-HF-003-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Jicheng Landscape Technology Co., Ltd, Southwest Forestry University, Yunnan Forestry Technological College

Breeders:Li Wei, Xin Peiyao, Wang Qi, Duan Shixue, Jin Li, Zhu Haiyan, Chen Wei, Chai Yongfei, Li Yunwei, Li Qishao


‘Jixuan NO.2 belongs to the genus Hemerocallis, family Asphodelaceae. The leaves are green and obliquely spreading with a length of 80~87cm and a width of 2.0~3.5 cm. The petals are lemon yellow, with green throat. The flower is single-petal and star-shaped. The petals are elliptical, reflexed with ruffled edges. It has a prominent vein, a slightly deep color, and white ribs. The flower diameter is 14~17 cm, with a petal width 6~7 cm, a calyx width 3~4.5 cm, and a stamina height 80~87 cm. The average branch number of an individual flower is 5~7 with flowers 40~45 in the medium size.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

Hemerocallis fulva, preferring sunlight, requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to bloom. It is drought-tolerant, but to bloom with bright colors and vigorous growth, adequate water supply is needed, but over-watering should be avoided. Therefore, seedling production centers or gardens should build in well-drained lands. When planted, a spacing of 30cm × 40cm is applied. Blooming requires more than 6 hours of direct sunlight. Its growth requires fertilizers. In addition to applying sufficient fertilizers (preferably decomposed cow or pig manure) at the planting time, before flowering, the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, as well as a 0.2% monopotassium phosphate spray, can be applied to promote flowering and prolong the flowering time. After flowering, it will grow badly, so it is necessary to clean up the dried flowers and leaves in time. In seedling production or landscape creation, the big tufts of old plants are divided into 1~2 buds per tuft every 2~3 years. It is significant to apply the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer again in September to promote tillering. It is most suitable to plant it in autumn or early spring.

Leaf blight and rust are two diseases that are very likely to inflict on Hemerocallis fulva. In the early stage of leaf blight, 50% mancozeb (1g/500ml~1g/800ml of water) can be applied to effectively prevent and control leaf blight; in the early stage of rust, 15% triadimefon powder (1g/1000ml ~ 1g/1200ml of water) can be used for one spray for every 10~15 days with 2~3 times, which can effectively control the disease.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in temperate and subtropical regions with an altitude of 100~2300 m and an annual rainfall of above 800mm.

Yunmu NO.2

Species:Pennisetum purpureum

Scientific name:Pennisetum purpureum ‘Yunmu NO.2’

Variety category:Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-PP-004-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Grassland Animals, Southwest Forestry University, Yunnan Institute of Tropical Crops, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Qujing Forestry and Grassland Administration, Yunnan Forestry Technological College

Breeders:Zhong Sheng,Li Shiping, Liu Yanpei, Ouyang Qing, Yan Wei, Zhang Ziqi, Yang Zishan, Wu Wenrong, Shi Dandan, Yuan Fujin


‘Yunmu NO.2’, a perennial herb, belongs to the genus Pennisetum. It is a clustered tetraploid perennial tall grass (2n=28). The whole plant is rarely haired. The stem is relatively slender, with a diameter of 0.5~1.5 cm, and there is white powder on the surface. The stem can reach a height of 2.5~3 m when blooming. It has strong tillering ability and dense branches. It grows vigorously during the seedling stage. With its good regeneration ability, it can go through multiple cuttings. It is cold-resistant and can survive the winter at an altitude of 2200 m in northeastern Yunnan and 2500 m in western Yunnan. Due to its good performance, its grass yield is higher than that of the nationally certified Pennisetum grass varieties, which are mainly planted in Yunnan, such as ‘Heyan No. 4’ and ‘Dehong’.

Main use:

Used as ecological restoration grass and forage grass.

Cultural techniques:

From late May to early June, it is important to plant it in fertile soil with a deep soil layer and good drainage and irrigation. The soil with a depth of more than 20 cm should be plowed, and it needs to be dried for several days and compacted. The stems that have grown for more than 4 months can be selected as the seedling stems. 2/3 of the middle and lower of the seedling stems can be cut into small segments containing two active buds, which can be planted obliquely in the seedbed at a spacing of 60 cm x 80 cm, with the plating depth of the upper stem no higher than the soil surface. During the seedling stage, it is significant to carry out the timely weeding, thinning, and seedling replenishing. Top dressing should be applied according to the growth after cutting. In the planting year, cutting should be done once at the end of the growing season; in July and mid-October of the following year, cutting should be done.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in the cold mountainous areas at an altitude of 1800~2200 m in northeastern, northwestern, central, and southeastern Yunnan, and with the highest altitude of 2500m in western, southern, and southwestern Yunnan.

Linyi NO.1

Species: Nelumbo nucifera

Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.1’

Variety category: Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-NN-005-2024

Applicant: Southwest Forestry University, Nanjing Yilianyuan Flower Co., Ltd

Breeders: Chen Longqing, Hu Huizhen, Qiao Zhenglin, Ding Yuesheng


‘Linyi NO.1’ is an aquatic perennial herb of the genus Nelumbo, the family Nelumbonaceae. It is large with a standing leaf height of 63 ~ 75 cm, a leaf size of (38 ~ 42) cm×(30 ~ 33) cm, and a flower height of 98 ~ 115 cm. The blooming period is early and lasts for a long time from early June to late July. It has a high flower density, producing 18 ~ 23 flowers /m2. The mature leaves are green and smooth on the surface. The flower buds are oval and yellow-green with red tips. The bowl-like shaped double flowers are significantly above the leaves and have about 122 petals. The flower diameter is 20 ~ 24 cm. The petals are of various sizes, with the largest being 12 cm×8.5 cm and the smallest being 6.5 cm×2.5 cm. The flower is with multiple colors: the outer petals have purple-red tips (Red-P Group 64B), a pale green middle (Green-White Group 157B), and a yellow base (Yellow Group 4B). The petals have purple-red tips (Red-Purple Group 63C), a pale green middle (Green-White Group 157C), and a yellow base (Yellow Group 4A). There are about 162 stamens, which are often petaloid, with milky white appendages of about 5 mm in size. The pistils are with 13 ~ 19 carpels. The slightly mature receptacles are green (Green Group 139D) on the sides, and the mature receptacles are oblate with a convex top. Not all of the plants produce seeds, with a size of about 15.5 mm×11 mm.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

It is suitable for planting in still water, with soil pH 6.5 ~ 7.5 and adequate sunlight. Planting can be done when the average daily temperature is above 15℃ and the lowest temperature is above 12℃. It is important to select the healthy seedling lotus root with least one apical bud, 2 ~ 3 internodes, being free of disease or pests, and with intact buds. When growing, the seedling lotus root, with the end slightly elevated, should be planted at an angle of 20° into the mud to prevent water from entering the end. The growing area should be kept dry for about a week and then watered to maintain a water level of 5 ~ 10 cm. After the standing leaves grow, the water level should be gradually raised to 30 ~ 40 cm. The appropriate spacing for pot growing is 25×40 cm; for pond growing, it is important to choose cement or soil ponds with isolation and water conservancy, with a soil depth of no less than 30 cm and a plant spacing of 1.0 m×1.5 m. During the entire growth period, fertilizers should be applied 2 ~ 3 times, mainly during the standing leaf growing period and the bud emerging period. The principle of fertilization is "low amount but high frequency, low concentration rather than high", "slight application of fertilizer in the seedling stage, heavy application of fertilizers in the budding and flowering stage, and appropriate application of fertilizers based on the seedling situation". The seedling lotus root can tolerate temperatures around 0℃ for a short time in water.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in areas below 2000m in altitude with an annual rainfall of ≥500 mm.

Linyi NO.2

Species: Nelumbo nucifera

Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.2’

Variety category: Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-NN-006-2024

Applicant: Southwest Forestry University, Nanjing Yilianyuan Flower Co., Ltd

Breeders: Chen Longqing, Qiao Zhenglin, Yang Ziyun, Xiong Yu


‘Linyi NO.2’ is an aquatic perennial herb of the genus Nelumbo, the family Nelumbonaceae. It is large with a standing leaf height of 90 ~ 108cm, a leaf size of (40 ~ 48) cm×(46 ~ 55) cm. The leaf is green and smooth on the surface. A flower height is 138 ~ 158 cm. The blooming period is early and lasts for a long time from early June to late August. It has a high flower density, producing 16 ~ 22 flowers /m2. The flower buds are oval, with red tips and yellow-green base. The plate-like shaped double flowers are significantly above the standing leaves and have about 105 petals. The flower diameter is 24 ~ 27 cm. The petals are of various sizes, with the largest being 15.5 cm×10 cm and the smallest being 7 cm×2 cm. The flower is with multiple colors: the outer petals have purple-red tips (Red-Purple 58A), a pink upper (Red-Purple 63D), and a yellow base (Yellow 4D). The inner petals have dark pink tips (Red-Purple 63C) and a yellow base (Yellow 4C). There are about 253 stamens, which are often petaloid, with pale yellow appendages of about 5 mm in size. The pistil is partially normal, partially vesicular or petaloid, with 17 ~ 25 carpels. The receptacles are yellow-green (Green Group 144C) on the sides, and the mature receptacles are umbrella-shaped with a convex top. The seed is spindle-shaped with the size of (11.5 ~ 13.5) mm × (20 ~ 22) mm. The long cylindrical rhizome can produce the lotus root.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

It is suitable for planting in still water, with soil pH 6.5 ~ 7.5 and adequate sunlight. Planting can be done when the average daily temperature is above 15℃ and the lowest temperature is above 12℃. It is important to select the healthy seedling lotus root with at least one apical bud, 2 ~ 3 internodes, being free of disease or pests, and with intact buds. When growing, the seedling lotus root, with the end slightly elevated, should be planted at an angle of 20° into the mud to prevent water from entering the end. The growing area should be kept dry for about a week and then watered to maintain a water level of 5 ~ 10 cm. After the standing leaves grow, the water level should be gradually raised to 30 ~ 40 cm. The appropriate spacing for pot growing is 25×40 cm; for pond growing, it is important to choose cement or soil pond with isolation and water conservancy, with a soil depth of no less than 30 cm and a plant spacing of 1.0 m×1.5 m. During the entire growth period, fertilizers should be applied 2 ~ 3 times, mainly during the standing leaf growing period and the bud emerging period. The principle of fertilization is "low amount but high frequency, low concentration rather than high", "slight application of fertilizers in the seedling stage, heavy application of fertilizers in the budding and flowering stage, and appropriate application of fertilizers based on the seedling situation". The seedling lotus root can tolerate temperatures around 0℃ for a short time in the water.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in areas below 2000m in altitude with an annual rainfall of ≥500 mm.

Linyi NO.3

Species: Nelumbo nucifera

Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.3’

Variety category: Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-NN-007-2024

Applicant: Southwest Forestry University, Nanjing Yilianyuan Flower Co., Ltd

Breeders: Qiao Zhenglin, Yang Ziyun, Chen Longqing, Lin Yuxue, Ding Yuesheng


‘Linyi NO.3’ is an aquatic perennial herb of the genus Nelumbo, the family Nelumbonaceae. It is large with a standing leaf height of 70 ~ 102 cm, and a leaf size of (35 ~ 43)cm×(39 ~ 48)cm. The mature leaf is green and smooth on the surface. Flower’s height is 105 ~ 160 cm. The blooming period is early and lasts for a long time from early June to late August. It has a high flower density, producing 19 ~ 28 flowers /m2. The flower buds are oval, with red tips and yellow-green base. The cup-like or plate-like shaped double flowers are significantly above the standing leaves and have about 18 petals. The flower diameter is 28 ~ 32 cm. The petals are of various sizes, with the largest being 18.7 cm×8.2 cm and the smallest being 10.6 cm×4 cm. The flower is with multiple colors which change with the opening days: first day, purple-red at the petal tip (RedPurple 63A), orange the middle (Orange 27D, with prominent red veins), and yellow at the base (Yellow 4B); second day, purple-red at the petal tip (Red-Purple 63A), yellow in the middle (Yellow 11D, with prominent red veins), and pale yellow at the base (Yellow 3D); third day, purple-red at the petal tip (Red-Purple 63A), white in the middle (White 15A), and pale yellow at the base (Yellow 4C). There are about 206 stamens, which are unpetaloid, with pale yellow appendages of about 7.6 mm in size. The pistil is with 13 ~ 19 carpels. The receptacles are yellow-green (Yellow-Green 144B) on the sides, and the mature receptacles are oval with a convex top. The size of the seed is 15.9 mm×12.4 mm. It can be planted in pots or ponds and the green and ripe lotus pods can be used as fruits.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

It is suitable for planting in still water, with soil pH 6.5 ~ 7.5 and adequate sunlight. Planting can be done when the average daily temperature is above 15℃ and the lowest temperature is above 12℃. It is important to select the healthy seedling lotus root with at least one apical bud, 2 ~ 3 internodes, being free of disease or pests, and with intact buds. When growing, the seedling lotus root, with the end slightly elevated, should be planted at an angle of 20° into the mud to prevent water from entering the end. The growing area should be kept dry for about a week and then watered to maintain a water level of 5 ~ 10 cm. After the standing leaves grow, the water level should be gradually raised to 30 ~ 40 cm. The appropriate spacing for pot growing is 25×40 cm; for pond growing, it is important to choose cement or soil pond with isolation and water conservancy, with a soil depth of no less than 30 cm and a plant spacing of 1.0 m×1.5 m. During the entire growth period, fertilizers should be applied 2 ~ 3 times, mainly during the standing leaf growing period and the bud emerging period. The principle of fertilization is "low amount but high frequency, low concentration rather than high", "slight application of fertilizers in the seedling stage, heavy application of fertilizers in the budding and flowering stage, and appropriate application of fertilizers based on the seedling situation". The seedling lotus root can tolerate temperatures around 0℃ for a short time in the water.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in areas below 2000m in altitude with an annual rainfall of ≥500 mm.

Linyi NO.4

Species: Nelumbo nucifera

Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.4’

Variety category: Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-NN-008-2024

Applicant: Southwest Forestry University, Nanjing Yilianyuan Flower Co., Ltd

Breeders: Chen Longqing, Hu Huizhen, Qiao Zhenglin, Ding Yuesheng


‘Linyi NO.4’ is an aquatic perennial herb of the genus Nelumbo, the family Nelumbonaceae. It is large with a standing leaf height of 75 ~ 92cm, and a leaf size of (42 ~ 46)cm×(46 ~ 51)cm. Flower’s height is 85 ~ 115cm. The blooming period is early and lasts for a long time from early June to late August. It has a high flower density, producing 12~19 flowers /m2. The mature leaf is green with red tips and smooth on the surface. The flower buds are ovate and dark purplish red. The bowl-like double flowers are significantly above the standing leaves and have about 137 petals. The flower diameter is 20 ~ 22 cm. The petals are of various sizes, with the largest being 12.6 cm×7.7 cm and the smallest being 5.9 cm×1.4 cm. The flower color: dark purple-red (Red-Purple Group 59D), purple-red in the middle and lower parts (Red-Purple Group 6B), and pale yellow base (Yellow Group 11D). There are about 264 stamens, which are petaloid, with purple-red appendages of about 5 mm in size. The anthers are orange-yellow with a red middle, and the filaments are pale yellow. The pistil is with 16~21 carpels. The receptacles are yellow-green (Yellow-Green 145B) on the sides, and the mature receptacles are oval with a convex top. The size of the seed is 14.5 mm×10.5 mm. The long cylindrical rhizome can produce the lotus root.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

It is suitable for planting in still water, with soil pH 6.5 ~ 7.5 and adequate sunlight. Planting can be done when the average daily temperature is above 15℃ and the lowest temperature is above 12℃. It is important to select the healthy seedling lotus root with at least one apical bud, 2 ~ 3 internodes, being free of disease or pests, and with intact buds. When growing, the seedling lotus root, with the end slightly elevated, should be planted at an angle of 20° into the mud to prevent water from entering the end. The growing area should be kept dry for about a week and then watered to maintain a water level of 5 ~ 10 cm. After the standing leaves grow, the water level should be gradually raised to 30 ~ 40 cm. The appropriate spacing for pot growing is 25×40 cm; for pond growing, it is important to choose a cement or soil pond with isolation and water conservancy, with a soil depth of no less than 30 cm and a plant spacing of 1.0 m×1.5 m. During the entire growth period, fertilizers should be applied 2 ~ 3 times, mainly during the standing leaf growing period and the bud emerging period. The principle of fertilization is "low amount but high frequency, low concentration rather than high", "slight application of fertilizers in the seedling stage, heavy application of fertilizers in the budding and flowering stage, and appropriate application of fertilizers based on the seedling situation". The seedling lotus root can tolerate temperatures around 0℃ for a short time in the water.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in areas below 2000m in altitude with an annual rainfall of ≥500 mm.

Linyi NO.5

Species: Nelumbo nucifera

Scientific name: Nelumbo nucifera ‘Linyi NO.5’

Variety category: Bred variety

Registration No.: Yun S-BV-NN-009-2024

Applicant: Southwest Forestry University, Wu Han Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Breeders: Chen Longqing, Qiao Zhenglin, Yang Mei, Yang Dong, Zi Yuanxiang


‘Linyi NO.5’ is an aquatic perennial herb of the genus Nelumbo, the family Nelumbonaceae. Its size is medium with a height of 89 ~ 123cm. The number of the standing leaf is 32 ~ 47/m2. The young leaves are greenish with a red tinge, while the mature leaves are green and shallowly concave. The leaf dimension is(26 ~ 49)cm×(21 ~ 37)cm, with a smooth surface and numerous spines on the back. The space between the leaf nodes(in the center of the leaf)is narrow.The flower buds are ovate and green. The butterfly-like double flowers are significantly above the standing leaves and with a flower height of 113 ~ 135 cm. The flower diameter is 18 ~ 25 cm. The flower density is 16 ~ 21 /m2, with abundant amounts. The number of tepals is 134 ~ 185, with an ovate shape. The flowers are white, with red-purple upper parts, white middle parts, and yellow bases. Stamens are petaloid, with white appendages, yellow anthers, and pale yellow filaments. The pistil is with 12 ~ 38 carpels. The mature receptacle is green and oblate, with its top surface nearly parallel to the receptacle surface and wave-like margins. It fruits naturally, with mature lotus seeds being ovate, black, and dull. The rhizome is cylindrical. The flowering period is generally from early June to early September, about 90 days.

Main use:

Viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

It is suitable for planting in still water, with soil pH 6.5 ~ 7.5 and adequate sunlight. Planting can be done when the average daily temperature is above 15℃ and the lowest temperature is above 12℃. It is important to select the healthy seedling lotus root with at least one apical bud, 2 ~ 3 internodes, being free of disease or pests, and with intact buds. When growing, the seedling lotus root, with the end slightly elevated, should be planted at an angle of 20° into the mud to prevent water from entering the end. The growing area should be kept dry for about a week and then watered to maintain a water level of 5 ~ 10 cm. After the standing leaves grow, the water level should be gradually raised to 30 ~ 40 cm. The appropriate spacing for pot growing is 25×40 cm; for pond growing, it is important to choose a cement or soil pond with isolation and water conservancy, with a soil depth of no less than 30 cm and a plant spacing of 1.0 m×1.5 m. During the entire growth period, fertilizers should be applied 2 ~ 3 times, mainly during the standing leaf growing period and the bud emerging period. The principle of fertilization is "low amount but high frequency, low concentration rather than high", "slight application of fertilizers in the seedling stage, heavy application of fertilizers in the budding and flowering stage, and appropriate application of fertilizers based on the seedling situation". The seedling lotus root can tolerate temperatures around 0℃ for a short time in the water.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in areas below 2000m in altitude with an annual rainfall of ≥500 mm.

Diandongnan (Canna edulis)

Species: Canna edulis

Scientific name: Canna edulis ‘Diandongnan’

Variety category: Indigenous variety

Registration No.: Yun S-LV-CE-010-2024

Applicant: Academy of Agriculture of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

Breeders: Zhong Zhengyang, Huang Xingfen, Zhu Deyan, Yang Lingyu, Hu Yao, Yan Jimeng, Wang Xian, Pan Daoxing, Li Fan, Zhang Xiaoxi


‘Diandongnan’, a perennial herb, belongs to the genus Canna, the family Cannaceae. The stem is erect and stout, with a height of 248 cm and a diameter of 28~42 mm. It is oval and pale purple in color. It has 10~12 tillers, with leaves arranged alternately, ovate in shape, 59 cm in length, and 28 cm in width. The base of the leaf is prolonged downward to wrap around the stem, with a blunt tip, pale purple veins, and a pale red sheath. The main vein protrudes on the back of the leaf and the leaf margin is pale purple. The roots, which are white, slender, and cylindrical,  are from the tubers. The rhizome is spindle-like shaped, with irregular arrangement, and branches around form small taros, which are white, with purple-red scales at the stem tip, and smooth skin. Thyrsoid inflorescences, red, with few branches and sparse flowers, covered with wax powder, with 1-2 tubular sheaths at base, twin flowers, pale red sepals, pale purple capsules, and no seeds in the capsules.

Main use:

Used as grain and forage grass.

Cultural techniques:

Canna edulis, a warm-season crop, can be grown in spring when the temperature rises and the soil temperature stabilizes above 10℃. The optimal growing period is from March to May. In flat areas, the plant spacing should be 1m×0.6 m, while on slopes, the plant spacing should be 0.8m×0.6m. The sowing methods are hole sowing or furrow sowing. The sowing rate is 250 kg/mu, with 750 kg/hm2 of manure or organic fertilizers as the base fertilizer. When sowing, the young buds should be put upwards, with a sowing depth of around 20cm. The soil should fully cover the rhizome, which will begin to sprout when the soil temperature reaches above 16℃ and it will take 20 ~ 30 days for the sprouts to emerge in moist soil. After the sprouts emerge, weeding and fertilization should be carried out according to the growth of the sprouts. 60 kg/hm2 of urea should be applied around the base of Canna edulis. The second round of moderate plowing, earthing up, and fertilization should be carried out before it flowers, with 450 kg/hm2 of phosphate and potassium fertilizer being applied on both sides of the roots to facilitate nutrient absorption, balanced growth of the plants, and the rapid growth of the rhizome. Canna edulis is almost free of diseases, but occasionally pest infestation may emerge to damage the leaves, which can be controlled by spraying insecticides mixed with water.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in sub-tropical regions in southeastern Yunnan at an altitude of 500 ~ 1800m and with an annual rainfall of 960 ~ 1300 mm.

Diandongnan (Amaranthus hypochondriacus)

Species: Amaranthus hypochondriacus

Scientific name: Amaranthus hypochondriacus ‘Diandongnan’

Variety category: Indigenous variety

Registration No.: Yun S-LV-AH-011-2024

Applicant: Academy of Agriculture of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture

Breeders: Zhong Zhengyang, Huang Xingfen, Zhu Deyan, Li Fan, Pan Daoxing, Yang Lingyu, Wang Xian, Hu Yao, Yan Jimeng, Luo Wen


‘Diandongnan’, an annual herb, belongs to the genus Amaranthus, the family Amaranthaceae. The main root is stout, with many lateral roots. The main stem is stout and much-branched. The large and lush leaves are alternate and the inflorescence is umbrella-shaped. The stem is pale green, with very prominent yellowish green stripes on the main stem. Leaves are ovate, being green on both front and back. The young shoots are pale purple, with prominent veins. The petioles do not show anthocyanin coloring. The inflorescence is purple and erect. The seeds are small and white, and the weight of a thousand seeds is 0.66 g.

Main use:

Used as grain and forage grass.

Cultural techniques:

Seeds can be sown in spring, summer, and autumn. Before sowing, 750 kg/hm2 of organic fertilizers or well-rotted manure should be applied as base fertilizers. The optimal sowing period is from April to July. Both sowing and seedling transplantation are possible. Before sowing, the soil should be plowed and harrowed to a depth of 20 cm. Since the seeds are small, they can be mixed with sand or well-rotted organic fertilizers at a ratio of 1:3 for sowing. Sowing methods include hole sowing and drill sowing, with a sowing depth of 2~3 cm and a covering soil depth of 1~2 cm. The sowing rate is 300 g/mu, with a spacing of 0.2 m×0.3 m. For scattering, the sowing rate is 500 g/mu. For seedling transplantation, the seedlings can be transplanted 20 days after emergence, and then timely watering is needed. Management: When the seedlings are about 15 cm tall, thinning, replenishing, weeding, fertilization should be carried out. 375 kg/hm2 of urea should be applied. When the plants reach 1 m in height, cutting can be done, leaving a stubble of 0.4 m. After cutting, 375 kg/hm2 of urea should be applied in time. ‘Diandongnana’ is nearly free of diseases and pests, including cabbage caterpillars, aphids, cutworms, etc. For the control of cabbage caterpillars and aphids, 5% fluvalinate spray can be used, while for the control of underground pests like cutworms, it is recommended to mix the soil with 90% dichlorvos or 50% phoxim emulsion.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in sub-tropical regions in southeastern Yunnan at an altitude of 500 ~ 1800 m and with an annual rainfall of 960 ~ 1300 mm.


Species: Vicia sativa

Scientific name: Vicia sativa ‘Dianxi’

Variety category: Indigenous variety

Registration No.: Yun S-LV-VS-012-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Grassland Animals, Animal Husbandry Workstation of Eryuan County, Academy of Agriculture of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Grassland Forage Grass Workstation of Eryuan County, Qujing Forage Grass Workstation

Breeders: Li Shiping, Shi Dandan, Wu Wenrong, Zhang Xiaojuan, Huang Xingfen, Liu Yanpei, Yuan Fujin, Li Cheng, Wang Fangjun, Wang Xin


‘Dianxi’, an annual herb, belongs to the genus Vicia, the family Leguminosae. The stem is slender, soft, much-branched, ascending or climbing, with ridges. The leaves are pinnately compound, while the flowers are papilionaceous. The seeds are spherical and dark, with the 1000-grain weight of the seeds of 64.5 g. The leaves are relatively long, and especially in the seedling stage, the incomplete leaves (2 to 4 leaflets) are slender and linear to lanceolate in shape. It prefers warm and well-drained loam and sandy soil, with strong acid tolerance and periodic flooding tolerance. As it is drought tolerant, it can complete the entire growth period without irrigation during the dry season. It can also thrive on poor soil. Due to its cold resistance, it can withstand freezing at -6℃ during the nutritional stage.

Main use:

It can be used as forage grass as well as cover crops and green manure crops.

Cultural techniques:

After the crops that are grown in spring and summer are harvested, the soil should be deeply plowed in time, with a plowing depth of more than 20 cm and 30~45 t/hm2 of manure being applied as base fertilizer. Then the surface soil should be slightly raked 1~2 times. Sowing should be done from late September to late October, and spring sowing should be done after the rainy season. When monoculture is carried out, the plant is easy to lodge, so it can be mixed with oats, barley, etc. When mixed sowing is adopted, the seeds of ‘Dianxi’ should be mixed in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1 to that of Vicia sativa 'Eryuan'. The sowing rate of monoculture is 60~70 kg/hm2, while for mixed sowing, the sowing rate is 75~90 kg/hm2. The spacing is about 20~30 cm and generally the sowing depth is 3~4 cm. After sowing, the soil must be compacted. Timely weeding should be done. For haymaking, it is best to cut during the full bloom stage to the podding stage; for seed harvest, it should be harvested during the seed ripening stage; for utilization of regenerated grass, it should be cut during the full bloom stage, leaving a stubble of no less than 4 cm. When used as green manure, it should be cut during the early bloom stage When the seeds are used as fodder, detoxification treatment must be carried out. The detoxification method is simple, in which the seeds need to be fried or soaked for 6~12 hours. For the seed production, it should be noted that the seeds have a strong tendency to split. Straws can be used as coarse fodder for cattle after the seed harvest.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in areas below 2500m in altitude with relatively good water conditions.


Species: Eragrostis curvula

Scientific name: Eragrostis curvula ‘Xiaoshao’

Variety category: Indigenous variety

Registration No.: Yun S-LV-EC-013-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Grassland Animals, Alpine Forestry Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Qujing Forestry and Grassland Administration, Kunming Forestry Seedling Management Station

Breeders: Yuan Fujin, Liao Shengxi, Ouyang Qing, Wu Wenrong, Li Shiping, Yin Jun, Zhang Ziqi, Song Shengzhi, Xu Chi, Hou Jieqiong


‘Xiaoshao’, a perennial herb, belongs to the genus Eragrostis, the family Gramineae. It has a well-developed root system, strong tillering ability, and dense branches. The basal leaves are slender, resilient, and dense, forming a dense cluster, which leads to its strong soil and water conservation abilities. It can thrive on barren and newly reclaimed land. It is also tolerant to trampling. In the year of sowing, it grows quickly and can cover the land fast. It performs well in flowering and fruiting in the northern subtropical areas, with a seed yield of 375 ~ 525 kg/hm2. It is free of diseases or pests.

Main use:

It is used for ecological restoration.

Cultural techniques:

Based on the soil fertility, manure of 8,000 ~ 27,000 kg/hm2 or the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compound fertilizer of 300 ~ 450 kg/hm2 should be scattered, and then the land should be plowed with a depth of 20~25 cm. The soil should be raked and weeds and stones should be removed from the surface. It is important to sow the seeds at the beginning of the rainy season, usually in May to June (or July). Hole sowing, drill sowing, and scattering are all acceptable. For drill sowing, the row spacing should be 30 ~ 35 cm; for hole sowing, the spacing should be 25 ~ 30 cm, with a sowing rate of 12 ~ 18 kg/hm2. After sowing, the seeds should be covered with soil with a depth of 0.3 ~ 0.5 cm, but not too deep. Then, the soil should be compacted. Weeding should be done during the emergence period. During the seedling stage, 120 ~ 180 kg/hm2 of urea should be applied to promote growth based on the seedlings’ performance.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in warm temperate and subtropical areas at altitudes of 800 ~ 2300 meters, with an annual rainfall of 800 ~ 1100 mm, and an average annual temperature of 12.1 ~ 17.4 ℃.


Species: Pennisetum alopecuroides

Scientific name: Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Tengyue’

Variety category: Wild domesticated variety

Registration No.: Yun S-WDV-PA-014-2024

Applicant: Tengchong Grassland Supervision and Management Institute, Yunnan Forestry Technological College

Breeders: Yan Haiyan, Wang Qi, Xu Hongsheng, Xie Jinmin, Wan Haonan, Yin Qiyao, Zhang Yuanhong, Du Jianlong, Liu Yuan, Zhang Yuwen


‘Tengyue’, a perennial herb, belongs to the genus Pennisetum, the family Gramineae. It is tufted and with well-developed fibrous root system. The plant height is 65 ~ 120 cm, with dense soft hairs below the inflorescence. The stems are erect, with the upper part longer than the internodes. The leaves are linear, green, 10 ~ 80 cm long, 3 ~ 8 mm wide with a long tapering tip and hairs at the base. The leaf sheaths are glabrous, flattened on both sides, with the upper part longer than the internodes; the ligules are with fine hairs of about 2.5 mm long; the panicles are erect, 5 ~ 18 cm long, 1.5 ~ 3.5 cm wide; the main axis is densely covered with soft hairs; the bristles are rough, dark purple, 1.5 ~ 3 cm long; the spikelets are usually solitary, occasionally in pairs; the caryopses are oval, about 3.5 mm long, with the 1000 grain weight of the seeds of 3.8 ~ 4.5 g.

Main use:

Mainly used for viewing and landscaping

Cultural techniques:

Sowing is done by either drill sowing or hole sowing, with a row spacing of 50 cm for drill sowing and a sowing rate of 22.5 ~ 30 kg/hm2, and sowing can be done in May to June. The soil moisture should be in an appropriate amount when sowing, and the sowing depth should be 1 ~ 2 cm. The seedlings will emerge after 6 ~ 10 days of sowing. The transplanting density for wild varieties is 4,000 ~ 5,000 plants/mu, with a row spacing of 5 cm and a plant spacing of 20 ~ 25 cm. 500 kg/mu of manure should be used as the base fertilizer and 5 kg/mu of urea should also be applied after cutting. Weeds and harmful grasses should be removed regularly.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in tropical and subtropical areas at an altitude of 1000 ~ 2400 m.


Species: Caragana sinica

Scientific name: Caragana sinica ‘Shishan’

Variety category: Wild domesticated variety

Registration No.: Yun S-WDV-CS-015-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland

Breeders: Meng Meng, Fu Yupin, Zhou Yun, Li Yunqin, Chen Wei, Qiu Qiong, Liu Hengpeng, Zhou Xiao, Li Guochang, Zhang Mei


‘Shishan’, a shrub, belongs to the genus Caragana, the family Leguminosae. It prefers sunlight, can thrive in poor soil, and has strong tillering ability. It also has abundant leaf biomass, dense leaves, a long blooming period, and abundant flowers. After 3~5 years of growing, its horizontal roots can sprout a large number of plants, with 10~20 rhizome plants within 1.5 m from the parent plant. It should be planted densely at a row spacing of 50 cm so that it can quickly form a green hedge, with strong soil and slope conservation ability. The plant height can reach 2.5 m, with a crown width of 1.5~2.0 m, and the leaves are pinnate compound, with 3- leaflets (occasionally 5) in a cluster. The stipules and leaf axes are hardened into needle-like structures that will become soft or fall off. The leaves are leathery and can be pruned many times. After being pruned, it can form dense branches. The flowers are solitary or in clusters of 2~4, with a flower spacing (or clustered leaf spacing) of 0.7~1.3 cm, with about 15~43 flowers on a 20 cm branch. One single flower weighs 0.23~0.28 g and each plant has 300~400 flowers (about 80 g). The blooming period is early, starting in late February or March, with the full blooming period from March 15 to March 30. Plants grown in high-altitude areas bloom continuously from May to August. It has a well-developed fibrous root system, with the main roots reaching a depth of 1 m. It has strong drought resistance

Main use:

Used as edible and medicinal shrubs as well as for viewing and landscaping.

Cultural techniques:

The seedlings are cultivated by burying roots and cuttage. Burying roots: First, make seedbeds, with a width of 1 m, dig trenches at intervals of 20 cm, with a trench depth of 5 cm. Second, use roots with a diameter of ≥ 0.5 cm, cut them into root segments of 10~15 cm long, place them into the trenches, and cover them with soil. Cuttage: First, select a stem with a diameter of ≥ 0.4 cm to make it into cuttage seedlings of 15~25 cm long, disinfect them in a solution of Carbendazim for 1 hour, quickly dip in a 1 g/L of ABT1, a rooting growth promotion solution, and then finish the planting. The substrate can be river sand or raw soil. After planting, a plastic arch shed should be built. When the seedlings grow to the height of over 50 cm, they can be taken out of the nursery. When used as hedges and ornamental flowers, it should be planted in clusters or in rows, with a plant spacing of 50 cm. In winter or after the blooming period, the main trunk and lateral branches should be cut. Before blooming, 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution should sprayed on the leaves, and after blooming, nitrogen fertilizer should be sprayed on the leaves or organic fertilizers should be applied about 25 cm away from the roots to promote the growth.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in mountainous areas with deep soil in temperate and subtropical regions at altitudes of 1400~220m, as well as along roads with poor soil, in rocky mountains, and karst areas.


Species: Acanthopanax trifoliatus

Scientific name: Acanthopanax trifoliatus ‘Bixi’

Variety category: Wild domesticated variety

Registration No.: Yun S-WDV-AT-016-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland

Breeders: Meng Meng, Fu Yupin, Zhou Yun, Li Yunqin, Yin Jun, Qiu Qiong, Chen Wei, Liu Hengpeng, Zhou Xiao, Kui Lianmin


‘Bixi’, a climbing shrub, belongs to the genus Acanthopanax, the family Araliaceae. It prefers sunlight but also has some tolerance to shade. It grows in clusters, with strong lateral branch sprouting ability, abundant leaf biomass, and crowed leaves. The new sprouts are purple-red. It can reach a height of 2.0 m, with a crown width of 1.5~2.0 m. The leaves are palmately compound, with 3~5 leaflets, which are papery, glabrous or sparsely hairy on the upper veins; the branches are sparse with flat thorns; the inflorescences, solitary or multiple, are umbellate or racemose inflorescences; the fruits are oblate spheroid, black when ripe, about 5 mm in diameter. The flowering period is from August to October, and the fruiting period is from October to December. Due to its good adaptability, it can grow in open areas to forests with a canopy density of less than 0.6.

Main use:

Mainly used for viewing and landscaping

Cultural techniques:

Weeds, stones, and other debris should be removed and the soil should be compacted and raked. Select branches that are 15~20cm long, semi-lignified or lignified, healthy, and free of diseases and pests as cuttage seedlings; soak the cuttage seedlings in 50% carbendazim powder solution (1g/800ml of water~1g/1000ml of water) or a 0.2% potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes, and then after drying the cuttage seedlings, quickly dip them in a 1 g/L of ABT1 solution, a rooting growth promotion solution, before planting; use raw soil as the planting substrate; after planting, build a plastic arch to retain moisture and warmth. After it takes root, remove the plastic film to increase its adaptability and resistance. After 3~4 months of planting, when the seedlings take root well and the aboveground part has reached more than 30 cm, they can be planted out. Plant in clusters or in rows, with 3~4 plants per cluster in a hole of 40 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm, or in rows, with a rowing spacing of 50 cm, and the number of rowing lines depending on the terrain. 1 kg of organic fertilizers per hole is applied as base fertilizers, which needs to be mixed thoroughly with the soil, and then the plant can be grown. After six months of growing, the plant needs to be pruned. The height should be controlled to 1.2 m after the second pruning. 1 kg of organic fertilizers per plant should be applied every winter. It is significant to water frequently during the dry season while during the rainy season watering should be stopped or be with a low amount.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in gardens, courtyards, along roads, and under sparse forests in the northern subtropical to temperate regions at an altitude of 600~2200 m.


Species: Saccharum rufipilum

Scientific name: Saccharum rufipilum ‘Jiulong’

Variety category: Wild domesticated variety

Registration No.: Yun S-WDV-SR-017-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland

Breeders: Chen Peng, Feng Dan, Yang Qian, Li Haoran


‘Jiulong’, a perennial herb, belongs to the genus Saccharum, the family Poaceae. It grows in clusters, with a high seed yield and long growth period, and can quickly cover the bare ground. It has a large biomass, with a plant height of up to 2.23 m and a coverage area of up to 0.81 m2. After 2~3 years of growth, the total biomass of a single plant can reach 5.~7.5 kg. It has strong reproductive ability, with the number of tillers per plant reaching more than 122 after 2~3 years of growth and the number of seeds reaching 6.74×10 3 /plant. It grows well under forest, with strong resistance to cold, drought, poor soil, rust disease, and strong perenniality.

Main use:

Used for ecological restoration.

Cultural techniques:

Weeds, stones, and other debris should be removed and the soil should be turned, compacted, and raked. In humid areas, sowing can be done from March to May, while in arid areas, sowing should be done during the rainy season, from late May to mid-June. For lands with poor soil conditions, hole sowing is used, while for lands with good soil conditions, drill sowing is adopted. The plowing depth for hole sowing is about 1 ~ 1.5 cm, with a row spacing of 50 ~ 60 cm. For row sowing, the covering soil should be shallow, and the surface soil should be lightly harrowed after sowing. The sowing rate is 15~20 kg/hm2. During the seedling stage, irrigation and fertilization are needed at a proper time with an appropriate amount, and weed control should be done. During the early seedlings growth period, a small amount of urea, calcium magnesium phosphate, and other immediate fertilizers can be applied. Saccharum rufipilum has narrowly ovate or linear panicle. When 50~70% of the seeds start to fall off at the top of the spike, half of the entire spike should be cut off, and the other half can be cut when the seeds are ripe. The cut spikes should be dried and rubbed 2~3 times so that the seeds will fall off from the panicles. The panicles should be separated and the seeds should be collected. After that, it is important to dry them for another day, dust, screen, and clean. Finally, the seeds can be put into bags and stored.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions at altitudes of 400~2500m and with rainfall of more than 800 mm as well as ravines, abandoned farmland, abandoned mining and quarrying sites, construction waste sites, wasteland, slopes, and areas under forest invaded by harmful plants.


Species: Vicia sativa

Scientific name: Vicia sativa ‘Luquan’

Variety category: Wild domesticated variety

Registration No.: Yun S-WDV-VS-018-2024

Applicant: Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming Seeds Management Station, Forage Grass and Fodder Workstation of Weishan County

Breeders: Duan Xinhui, Jiang Hua, He Chenggang, Zhou Kai, Yang Tianli, Xiong Jingfa, Han Bo, Zhao Zhili, Xiao Xue, Zhang Jiangui


‘Luquan’ isan annual or biennial herb of the genus Vicia sativa, the family Leguminosae, with a height 30 ~ 100 cm. It has creeping rhizomes and its slender stems climb or sprawl. It is covered with fine hairs. The paripinnate leaves are 7 ~ 12 cm long, with a well-developed tendril at the tip of the leaf axis. The stipules are semi-lanceolate with 2 ~ 4 attenuate teeth. The leaflets are in 5-7 pairs, oblong or lanceolate, with a blunt or apex, slightly concave, with a short tip, and a round base. Both leaf sides are covered with fine hairs. With short racemes, it has 2 ~ 4 flowers in the axils. The calyx is awl-shaped to lanceolateor and shorter than the calyx tube. The corolla is red or purple to pale pink, pale white. The vexil is nearly fiddle-shaped, with a concave apex. The wing petals are shorter than the vexil, and the keel petals are the shortest and bent inwards. The pod is oblong and nearly rhombic, 2.1 ~ 3.9 cm long and 0.5 ~ 0.7 cm wide. It is bright black when ripe, with a beak at the apex and slightly curved. There are 5 ~ 7 seeds per fruit, spherical, and its brown skin are with spots. Its reproductive period is about 150 days. It is edible and can also be used as fodder, green manure, and medicine. It has a short growth period, strong adaptability, stable production performance, high protein content, and good palatability. It can be used for grazing and haymaking and as green fodder. Livestock like cattle, horses, and sheep prefer it, as it is a high-quality forage and green manure crop.

Main use:

It is edible and can be used as for fodder, green manure, and medicine.

Cultural techniques:

Before sowing, the soil should be thoroughly raked to break up clods, creating a loose topsoil layer and a compacted lower layer. Weeds should be removed and the land drainage should be carried out. Autumn is the best time for sowing. Scattering or drill sowing can be used, with a row spacing of 30 cm for drill sowing, a sowing depth of 3 ~ 4 cm, and a sowing rate of 50 kg/hm2. The ratio of 12:11:1 of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied at a rate of 625 kg/hm2 during sowing. The plants are small during the seedling stage, and the above-ground parts grow slowly. After emergence, they are vulnerable to weeds, so timely manual weeding is necessary. Irrigation and fertilization should also be carried out to ensure stable and high yields. It can be cut during the early flowering stage. In summer, when there is more rainfall, it can be cut at a height of 40 ~ 50 cm; in winter, when it is drier, it can be cut at a height of about 50 cm, leaving a stubble of 5 cm.

Suitable areas for planting:

It is suitable for planting in warm areas at an altitude of 1000 ~ 2500 m and temperatures of 5 ~ 0℃.

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